Summertime in Chipley, FL, can bring unpleasantly hot weather. When you’re driving, you need to be able to escape the heat and feel comfortable. If the air conditioning in your vehicle is having problems, you and your passengers could feel miserable. The good news is you can get reliable AC service and repairs near Chipley, FL, at Marianna Nissan. With our experienced and capable service, you can be back behind the wheel of your car feeling cool once more.
We have skilled technicians to identify the issues causing problems with your air conditioning. Next, we’ll offer a solution to get the system running properly. We provide affordable and prompt service and can work on all makes and models. Schedule an AC service with us online. You can also ask about our current service specials.
It is helpful to understand how the air conditioning system works and what problems can arise. As you detect certain signs that the AC isn’t working, you’ll know to head to our service center. The longer you procrastinate coming to see us, the worse the problem can become.
It’s possible that your AC could start by putting out cold air but then do the opposite and pump out warm air. The change may be sudden or gradual. Either way, when warm air is coming from AC it can be a miserable issue.
This AC problem is often due to a blocked expansion valve. This will keep the refrigerant from getting to the evaporator and freezing the valve. The technicians at Marianna Nissan will inspect the AC system and look closely at the expansion valve. If the valve has failed, we will replace it and install a new one. Our team will remove any blockage in the valve, too, which should prevent hot air from coming into your car when the AC is running. You can then enjoy continuous cold air when you are running your AC on a hot day.
Your car AC and heating may seemingly be working well, delivering the air temperature that you want. However, if the air is cool but carries a foul odor, bring your vehicle to us.
Unpleasant smells from the AC could signal various issues, and they can be just as concerning as weak or warm air. The odor could be the result of mold somewhere in the AC. This happens when moisture is trapped in the AC. A dirty or clogged cabin filter could also be the culprit. Our technicians can replace the filter, allowing clean air to move through the vehicle. This should eliminate the odor.
Another troubling problem you could encounter is that your car’s AC won’t turn on. This can be especially frustrating, and it warrants a look from one of our technicians. If your AC doesn’t come on at all, the problem could be electrical. For example, there might be a blown fuse or a faulty AC switch. Our service team will determine whether replacing the worn-out fuse will solve the problem or whether another repair is the right step. For instance, fixing poor wiring or installing a new AC switch might be what returns your vehicle’s air conditioning to its proper working order.
Cooling and heating repairs are not issues you want to put off. Though a broken air conditioner may seem like a matter of comfort, it can also affect your health, safety, and well-being as you drive. Fortunately, at Marianna Nissan, our service department is accustomed to handling even the most complicated AC repairs. We’ll carefully inspect your vehicle’s air conditioning system and quickly get it back in working order. Come to our dealership in Marianna, FL, today and ride in comfort and with peace of mind once more.